
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Your Divorce in Naples, Florida

Naples, Florida Co-Parenting During COVID-19Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Your Divorce in Naples, Florida

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Coronavirus Covid-19 and your divorce in Naples Florida

As of this writing, 33,404 people have been diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the Centers for Disease Control.The pandemic has led to the widespread shutdown of schools, businesses, and gatherings. Every day we learn more about the long-term impact this pandemic will have on our lives going forward. According to the 20th Judicial Circuit Website [ ] Family Law cases are being held remotely except for domestic violence cases.  Long & Associates, P.A. is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm that is closely monitoring the situation regarding court closures and will provide our clients with the most up-to-date information as it becomes available. Finally, if you have a meeting with Long & Associates, P.A. in the office, please inform us if you are not feeling well. We are also available to take your phone calls and can possibly hold meetings scheduled via video-conferencing should the need arise.

Impacts Of Coronavirus Covid-19 and your divorce in Naples Florida

Coronavirus is impacting all aspects of our lives. If you are still in the process of filing for divorce or finalizing your divorce, here are some things to take into account as this pandemic goes on. Some divorcing couples may need to reassess their situation:

  • Child Custody. This emergency has been a time where many parents have had to re-evaluate their parenting plans. As children have had to stay home from school due to school closures and as people have been asked to stay home, parents have had to make tough decisions regarding who will care for the children and how shared parenting time will be arranged. Now might be the time to consider how emergencies like this will be handled going forward.
  • The stock market is plummeting. Selling a family home might be difficult right now. You and your partner may need to discuss a strategy regarding splitting your debts and assets going forward. Long & Associates, P.A. is a divorce law firm in Naples, Florida that is here for you to help you every step of the way. Many divorcing couples might find that they have to change their settlements, if these settlements have not been finalized. Great amounts of wealth have been lost for those who have investments, and this may need to be considered.

These are just some of the things to consider if you are considering filing for divorce or are in the process of divorcing in Naples, Florida. As always, Long & Associates, P.A. is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm here to help you navigate the tough questions that may arise in the coming weeks, as couples may need to reconsider their divorce settlements and Parenting Plans. Contact Long & Associates today to discuss your circumstances.

Also Check:
How To Protect Your Privacy During Your Divorce?


Some Things to Consider If You’re Getting Divorced During the Coronavirus Pandemic in Naples, Florida

Some Things to Consider If You’re Getting Divorced During the Coronavirus Pandemic in Naples, Florida

Divorced During the Coronavirus | Check Things You Must Take Care

Divorced During the Coronavirus
Getting divorced even in the best of times can be a very difficult process, but getting divorced during a global pandemic can make things even more challenging. Long & Associates is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm that works with clients facing a range of divorce challenges. Our firm works with clients facing high asset divorces, and with those who need assistance with family law matters and child custody.

If you’re getting divorced in Naples, Florida, you might be wondering how the coronavirus pandemic might impact your case. With many courts closed or operating with strict restrictions in place, you may need to contact the court or stay in touch with your divorce lawyer about the latest procedures given increased coronavirus restrictions. The divorce lawyers at Long & Associates in Naples, Florida are here for you to help you navigate these changes.

Here are some other ways that the Covid-19 pandemic might impact your case:

  • The economy has suffered some major shockwaves as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many families have seen their retirement accounts diminish, their savings shrink, and their bank accounts grow smaller. If you are going through a divorce, this might mean that you have less money to split. If you were in the process of finalizing your division of assets before the pandemic, you might want to take a second look at how these changes might impact your assets.
  • Your Home. While every case is unique, now might not be the best time to be putting a home on the market. However, you might have other options when it comes to deciding what will happen to the family home. One partner can buy the other partner’s share in the property or both partners can continue to be co-owners of the property in question. Your divorce lawyer can work with you to look closely at your financial picture and help you find an option that can work.
  • Child Custody. Co-parenting at any time can be difficult enough, but co-parenting during a pandemic is especially challenging. With children out of school and parents socially distancing, parents will need to consider their parenting plans taking into account that social distancing may continue for some time.
  • Job Security. With many families suffering income loss due to layoffs or the threat of layoffs, now might be a good time to take a realistic look at your overall financial picture. Can you afford to split your single household into two households? Could you afford to take on the mortgage alone? Do you feel financially secure enough to go it alone? Talking to your financial planner and to your divorce lawyer to help you navigate these questions can be helpful.

If you have filed for divorce or are in the process of planning to file, Long & Associates is a family attorney in Naples, Florida that may be able to assist you. Our lawyers are still here for families who are going through the challenges of divorce in this unique pandemic era. If you have questions, reach out to Long & Associates or visit to connect with a divorce lawyer at Long & Associates today.


Your High Asset Divorce in the Era of COVID-19 in Naples, Florida

Your High Asset Divorce in the Era of COVID-19 in Naples, Florida

High Asset Divorce Era Covid-19 Naples Florida - Long & Associates

High Asset Divorce Era COVID-19 Naples Florida

Even as states move to re-open their economies, many families have seen drastic changes in their employment, their retirement funds, and in their prospects for the future. For high asset couples considering divorce, a second look at your assets might be in order before finalizing your High Asset Divorce Era COVID-19 Naples Florida.

For couples considering divorce, the coronavirus has sometimes led to new discussions about alimony, child support, and division of property arrangements, as some individuals have lost jobs, others have seen their incomes reduced, and others have seen their investments reduced in value. Even couples who have already gone through the divorce process may need to re-assess their alimony or child support payment amounts in light of these economic realities, according to the New York Times.

Because the courts were shut down or not operating a full capacity, many couples who are seeking divorce, who have yet to file, or who want to arrange court dates to finalize their divorce may face a wait. What are some alternatives available if you are facing this situation? Couples can still put a separation agreement in place with the assistance of their attorneys, or they can choose to use the collaborative divorce process, which can help them avoid litigation.

This can be a particularly tough time to get divorced, because couples may have fewer resources than they thought they had. It could be challenging to put a home on the market now, and some couples have even chosen to live together or delay selling the family home until the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic passes. Couples who choose to live together for the time being, or those who decide on another arrangement for the family home are still wise to take the time to work out these agreements in writing or as part of a divorce settlement. It is possible to continue to co-own the home with your former partner, but you’ll want to have an agreement in place about how the maintenance of the home will be paid for, who will be financially responsible for what, and how and when the decision will be made to sell the home, when the time comes. Some couples will have to accept lower values on their assets as they divide them and make plans accordingly.

High Asset Divorce Era COVID-19 Naples Florida

When it comes to child custody, couples may also want to take into account the realities we are likely to face. How will child custody arrangements be made in a world where children may periodically need to be home schooled, should things re-open only to shut down again? How will parenting time be split in pandemic times? These are all serious considerations couples should make now.

Long & Associates is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm that is here to help you with various aspects of your high asset divorce and is here to help you navigate divorce in the era of coronavirus. This is a tough time for us all, and divorce can be difficult even in the best of times. Long & Associates are here for you. Reach out to our divorce lawyers today or connect with to get matched with a lawyer at Long & Associates.


Protecting Your Privacy During Your Divorce in Naples, Florida

Protecting Privacy During Divorce Naples-Florida | Call us (239) 695-7110

Protecting Privacy During Divorce Naples-Florida: One of the issues that can arise with a high asset divorce is the issue of privacy. Couples looking to split big estates often don’t want the details about their net worth publicized by court documents. High net worth couples trying to protect their reputations and their businesses might also have unique privacy concerns when it comes to divorce. When private matters come out during a divorce case, these matters can potentially impact your career, your business, and other aspects of your life. Couples who own businesses might also be worried that their trade secrets or other confidential information about their business might end up out in the open for the public to see.

If you are thinking of getting divorced and want to protect your privacy during the divorce process, what can you do? Long & Associates is a divorce law firm in Naples, Florida that works with high net worth couples. Our divorce lawyers can help you review the options you might have to protect your privacy and help you take the next steps with your divorce.

What Options Do You Have for Protecting Privacy During Divorce Naples-Florida

There are two main ways couples can protect their privacy when filing for divorce in Naples, Florida. One option couples might have is to settle their divorce outside of court. By settling outside of court, your case doesn’t go to trial and therefore won’t end up on the public record. All matters mentioned in a divorce case heard in court end up on the public record. This means that anyone performing a public records search could potentially pull up the record to find out the information disclosed during your divorce case. Many celebrity couples and high net worth couples will choose to settle their cases outside of court to prevent private information about their lives, assets, and businesses ending up on the public record.

Yet there are some situations where couples need to take their case to court. If you cannot resolve your divorce disputes or reach a settlement outside of court regarding alimony, division of assets, or division of business interests, you may need to take the case to court. Individuals dealing with domestic violence or those who want sole custody of their children for their children’s safety, may also have to take their divorce case to court. How can couples protect themselves in these cases? Couples may have the option of placing the divorce under seal. If you have questions about how to place a divorce case under seal or have concerns about how you can protect your privacy during divorce, reach out to Long & Associates, a divorce law firm in Naples, Florida today.

Placing a Divorce Under Seal in Naples, Florida

Sometimes a divorce case might automatically be placed under seal by the judge. If the case involves minor children, sensitive matters, or domestic violence, the judge may put the case under seal without the need to make a request. But, individuals and couples shouldn’t assume that a judge will put the case under seal. In most cases, couples need to request that the case be sealed. In order to seal a divorce case, you’ll need to show that your need for privacy is compelling and balances out the need for the public to have access to the public record of your divorce. Situations where your divorce reveals trade secrets, sensitive financial information, or information about your children, are situations where the judge would likely be most willing to put the case under seal. If you have questions about how to place your divorce under seal, or how you can make the most compelling argument to place your divorce under seal, consider reaching out to the divorce lawyers at Long & Associates in Naples, Florida today. Our divorce attorneys can help you understand your rights and options under the law when it comes to your privacy.

Protecting You and Your Divorce Privacy Concerns

When it comes to divorce and your privacy, information that ends up on the public record is not the only way that the public can learn about your divorce. Anything you or your partner posts on social media is also available for the world to see. If your former partner is posting pictures you don’t want posted or information you don’t want public, you may still have options and rights under the law. Long & Associates is a Naples, Florida divorce lawyer that can help you take steps to protect your privacy using the legal remedies available to you. Have questions about your options and rights? Reach out to the divorce lawyers at Long & Associates in Naples, Florida today. Or connect with to get matched with a lawyer at Long & Associates today.

Also Check:
High Asset Divorce in the Era of COVID-19


Children and Divorce

Children and Divorce

Children and Divorce | Find best children and divorce lawyers in Florida

Children and Divorce

Children and Divorce:
“Children should not be serving the intimate needs of a parent, or placed in the role of secret-keeper,” says Lisa M. Hooper, a researcher and professor at the University of Louisville, who has conducted extensive studies on the effects of parentification – when the parent projects their role on to the child.  In divorced families, for instance, parents can fall into the trap of relying on their kid as a “confidant” – by revealing private information in the way of venting about the father/mother or by having them mediate conflicts.”

Divorcing your spouse is no easy task, especially when children are involved. Forcing kids to take sides, venting to them about your former spouse, or asking them to keep secrets can have long lasting and damaging effects on your children well into adulthood. Is your former spouse engaging in parentification? Long & Associates, P.A. represent clients in all areas of family law litigation. Please contact Long & Associates, P.A. at 239-316-1600 or e-mail us at [email protected] to set a confidential appointment with one of our Naples Family Law attorneys today.

Naples, Florida Co-Parenting During COVID-19

Co-Parenting During Covid-19 in Naples, Florida is a challenge

Co-parenting can be a challenge, but Co-Parenting During Covid-19 can lead to added strain, require modifications or changes in parenting plans, and raise important questions for couples who are going through divorce and who are looking ahead to create a parenting plan that works. As Florida’s COVID-19 infection rates have spiked, there have been increased concerns about whether children will be able to return to school in the fall, and talk of further closures. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children might be home from school or university, the ability to move freely between homes may be somewhat compromised, and parents who may disagree about certain decisions for their children may find themselves facing tough compromises as the pandemic unfolds. Long & Associates, P.A. is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm that works with couples filing for divorce and with couples who may need assistance modifying parenting plans during this difficult and challenging time. What are some unique challenges that co-parents might be facing? Here are a few things to keep in mind as you negotiate a parenting plan or modify your plan for Co-Parenting During Covid-19.

  • Making decisions when disagreements about social distancing arise. One of the challenges divorced or divorcing couples might face are disagreements about social distancing. Some parents might feel it is okay to have a play date if the group is small and the people are known, while others might feel that it is unsafe to gather right now. It is also unclear whether schools will re-open, but if they do choose to re-open, some parents have vowed to keep their children home, opting for home schooling or remote schooling to keep them safe. While parents should always follow the most current state orders, which will evolve with time, when it comes to discretionary activities, parents may need to negotiate these decisions when making or drafting their parenting plans or when modifying parenting plans due to changes caused by COVID-19. Ultimately, all people in Florida should be following social distancing orders, and if your ex doesn’t follow these orders and is endangering your child, you may be able to take action to protect your child. Long & Associates, P.A. is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm that works with divorcing couples and high-asset individuals to help them find a parenting plan that works.

    Co-Parenting During Covid-19

  • Visitation during COVID-19. Some parents might be home from work, or out of work. Others might be working from home. Others who work in essential jobs might have found that their hours have increased due to COVID-19. COVID-19 has changed many family’s schedules. In response to these changes, some families have had to modify their parenting plans accordingly. For example, when a parent works in a high-risk field, some families choose to have the children stay with the parent who works in a lower-risk field. Other families have been able to modify their parenting plans so that children enjoy more equal time with both parents, and some parents have opted to keep things the same. Whatever your choice, Long & Associates, P.A. is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm that may be able to help you.
  • Consider the best interests of the children. It isn’t clear whether education will be remote in the fall. But many parents are considering their changed circumstances when it comes to modifying their parenting plans. For example, some parents are taking into account each parent’s access to internet, outdoor backyard space, and other factors that have suddenly become more significant in this time of social distancing. If you and your family are going through changes due to COVID-19, considering the best interests of your children is especially important at this time.
  • Going through a divorce and still living together? The couples who may be most impacted by COVID-19 are those who were going through a divorce before the pandemic who now find themselves still living together in pandemic times. The pandemic has changed employment prospects, has affected individuals’ living situations, and has changed childcare arrangements for many families. If you are in the process of going through your divorce during COVID-19 and still live with your partner, NYU Langone has advice. When it comes to living with your partner while divorcing, consider each partner’s space and take steps to give yourself space in the home. Be clear about responsibilities from chores to childcare. And finally, try to avoid fighting in front of the children, when possible, taking discussions outside, to a separate room, or having them when the children are sleeping.

If you are going through a divorce or have questions about how to modify a parenting plan due to COVID-19, you don’t need to go through this process alone. Long & Associates, P.A. is a Naples, Florida divorce law firm that can help you draft or re-create a parenting plan that is in the best interests of your children. Reach out to our divorce attorneys in Naples, Florida today or connect with us by looking for us at